Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Goodbye, Stud Muffin...

Hello, It-Boy.
A pictorial essay.
[warning: graphic photos (needles, scalpels, a little bit o' blood) half-way down--not too bad, just thought I'd warn ya... Oh, and testicles.]

Thanks to Dr. Joan, and vet tech Michelle.
(Sorry about those butt shots Michelle--necessary to tell the story. =D)


  1. Now that was gross! But very interesting! I was wondering how they did that, NOW I KNOW! LOL Poor fella, I hope he does not hurt for to long. He will be a better guy for it! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Glad you got that over with! I've never seen that before, and it was interesting to see - at one point I thought I was going to be a vet, so all that stuff interests me.

  3. You got a pretty good view and pictures, I had to hold my pony, so no pics got taken.

  4. MrsC.: Not as bad as it could have been. There was a little more bleeding than the vet would have liked on the first testicle, so she left the clamp/forceps on a bit longer on the second. But there was no significant bleeding later that day, or since. It always looks worse on these darn white horses!

    Kate: I'm glad it was "educational." It is interesting, isn't it? I, too, thought about being a vet, and still consider vet tech school on my worst days at elementary school. =)

    Crystal: In my early days with this clinic, I did much of the "holding" and helping too. But they've gotten to where, for everyone's safety, they prefer their trained folks. If Dr. Mark had been there, I probably would have helped more--he knows my abilities. But that was the only glitch of the day--he was out on an emergency, so Dr. Joan stepped in. She's young, but gaining confidence. Dr. Mark was that way too, when I started with him 11 years ago (we had three colts in a row when we started breeding, then got five fillies, before Jackson came along).

  5. Now that was very cool. I'm a small animal vet assistant and have never seen a horse gelded before. Very much like a dog, minus the pliers and very LARGE scalpel blade! lol Thanks for posting this!

  6. He was a nice stallion, will be a much NICER gelding1! Participated in a few "brain surgeries". Makes much better citizens of them.

  7. Good riddance to his studly ways! I saw a gelding happen once - really interesting. Hope his recovery is totally uneventful.

  8. I'll have to go back and look at the butt shots. I didn't even notice them as I was too focused on your boy and the procedure.

    I appreciate you posting these pics. Some folks might not approve, but for us horse and animal lovers, this is real life and it's very interesting and educational.

    I was surprised at the tools used and the basic technique. Looks a lot more simple than a man getting a vasectomy! lol!

    Let us know how soon you notice a difference in his post studly behaviors.


  9. I, too, am happy you and Jackson have this over with. I always worry a little, even when surgeries are routine. He looks well, considering, and I did appreciate the post, since, like most of your readers, I had never seen a horse gelded. Here's too a quick and non-eventful recovery!

  10. Whoops! That would be "to" I meant to write in the last sentence:)

  11. I have a candidate for one of these procedures here too. Can't be soon enough for me but waiting for the tax return.

  12. This is a great post, and truly not too gross. Good info, too!

    The whole procedure would make me happy that I have mares...except that one of my girls needs the analogous female procedure done next month--no more moody mare!
